Today, International Women’s Day, RCT Council launched menopause guide. The guide provides information as well as signposting support for our colleagues experiencing menopause symptoms.
It also raises awareness of the menopause with managers and the rest of the workforce to enable us all to support women’s health and wellbeing.
UNISON has worked closely with the authority on the drafting of the guide and held a formal signing ceremony today.
UNISON Branch Women’s Officer, Helen Burton stated: “I am proud to say that Unison the largest Union in Great Britain has successfully promoted and secured the Menopause Policy/Guidance, with the help of Cllr Maureen Webber”.
“Over 80% of the work force are women, therefore will at some time will go through the Menopause. Unison CWM TAF has 5,599 members, 79% of these members are women. Some women will experience significant health problem which are attributable to the Menopause”.
“There are 51 acknowledged symptom of the Menopause, a year after a Medical diagnosis of the Menopause a woman will be protected under the Equality Act 2010 and reasonable adjustment would be available to her. Employers have a legal and moral duty to support Women within the work place”.
Download the guide here English version / Welsh version