The branch is running a fifty three seater coach to Cardiff for the TUC Rally to defend Right to Strike – 1st February 3023.
To book your seat ring 01443 400401. Set available to members and non members
As part of the TUC’s protect the right to strike day, there will be a rally at 11:30am at the UK Government offices in Central Square, Cardiff.
We will be joined by speakers from across the union movement as we fight back against this pernicious legislation.
The UK already has some of the most restrictive trade union laws in the world – but workers have been pushed into action by a government and employers that won’t listen.
You can’t legislate away the depth of anger workers feel about how they’ve been treated.
Every working person is under attack from these new laws.
Join us on 1 February to send a clear message to the UK Government – we will do everything we can to defend the right to strike.
To sig a petition against the proposed legislation, go to Sign the petition: Protect the right to strike! | TUC