The first branch safety walk took place on Saturday 10th July in Aberdare.
Members of Cwm Taf Local Government Branch and Cwm Taf Health Branch got together for a leisurely – and safe- walk around the lakes in Dare Valley Country Park. They were joined by local PCSO Chelsea, who mingled, chatting about walking, how to stay safe and life in a post Covid-19 world.
UNISON also handed out safety alarms for those that wanted them, as part of a new branch initiative, proactively promoting Women’s Safety.
Helen Burton, UNISON Cwm Taf LGA Branch Women’s officer, stated: “We plan on arranging guided walks with colleagues in the local Health branch during the summer period for women, to try and help improve safety after conversations that followed the killing of Sarah Everard.
“The walks will take place with police and crime safety officers to explore how to keep yourself feel and be safe”.
Today the walk was in the beautiful setting of Dare Valley Country Park in the Cynon Valley. It is intended to organize future walks in Merthyr, Rhondda and Taff area.
If you are interested in joining us for a walk in the future, please e-mail Helen Burton, Womens Officr or contact 01443 400401