We are holding the first of a series of safety wals on 10th July in Dare Valley Country Park, Aberdare
Do you feel safe when walking alone? Recent high-profile events have proven that we can be vulnerable anywhere, but there are some simple steps that can be taken to keep ourselves safe.
UNISON will be organising informal walking and talking Groups during July, August and September.
South Wales Police will be accompanying us to give advice.
The walks will take place in Aberdare Country Park, Cyfarthfa Park Merthyr, Pontypridd Park and around Clydach Vale Bottom Lake. They will be reasonably flat walks that will be suitable for anyone. You don’t need to be a mountain goat to join us – but even if you are you will still be welcome.
Our first Safety Walk is planned in Aberdare Country Park at 10:00am on Saturday 10th July (meeting in Cafe car park). We have two Police Officers attending to walk with us and give some informal advice.
Due to Covid Restrictions we have limited spaces, so please make sure you book rather than just turn up.
Walks are open to all UNISON members and their family. Please confirm if your attending and how many party members.
To book your place, please inbox Helen Burton, Womens Officr or contact 01443 400401