Your Branch is open for business and can be contacted by many different ways.
Branch Office – The Branch office is manned and is open for telephone enquiries from 09:00 to 16:00. The branch office telephone number is 01443 400401.
If, however you are unable to talk to anyone at the branch office there are a number of other ways in which you can contact a branch officer.
Facebook – Your Branch Facebook page is regularly updated and monitored, so if you use Facebook and want to contact a Branch Officer you can always leave a message on the branch Facebook page which can be found at Unison Cwm Taf Local Government Area.
Mobile Phone / Emails – You can contact officers of the branch on their mobile phones or email them,
RCT Area
Peter Crews – Mobile: 07811 134088,
Email – BranchSec@RCTUnison.co.uk
David Smith – Mobile: 07779 135169,
Email – AssistBranchSecRCT@UnisonCwmTafLGA.co.uk
Helen Burton – Mobile 07384 513218,
Email – WomensOfficer@UnisonCwmTafLGA.co.uk
Michelle Edwards – Mobile 07384 513217,
Email – HealthandSafetyOfficer@UnisonCwmTafLGA.co.uk
Dean Price (Education & Schools) – Mobile 07944 730999,
Email –Staff2@unisoncwmtaflga.co.uk
Merthyr Area
Jo Murphy – Mobile: 07387109840,
Email – BranchChair@unisoncwmtaflga.co.uk or Joanne.Murphy@merthyr.gov.uk
Darren Griffiths – Mobile: 07387 109839
Email – Darren.Griffiths@merthyr.gov.uk
If however you find that you still cant get hold of an officer or that the time you need help is at a time outside the normal hours of work, there is UNISON Direct.
UNISON direct -08000 857857
UNISON is here to help and assist you, in these unprecedented times your Trade Union is here to help and assist you, so if you have an issue please do not hesitate to contact us.