Self-isolation on return from abroad: Don’t get caught out

Many of our members are planning their holidays now that restrictions have been eased. However, the rules on quarantine when returning from aboard change regularly and vary, depending on the country you are returning from.

Peter Crews Unison Branch Secretary, states “members need to make sure if they book a holiday in a country knowing that on return they must go into isolation, they need to make sure their employer is going to pay them for the possible extra two weeks in isolation”.

“The other issue for our members, is assuming they can automatically claim Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if they go in to isolation following their holiday, I’m asking that they check the Gov.UK website”

People returning from overseas will not be automatically eligible for statutory sick pay during this period, unless they meet the required conditions – for example displaying coronavirus symptoms”.


You will not qualify if you:

  • are self-isolating after entering or returning to the UK and do not need to self-isolate for any other reason


  • Speak to your employer before you book your holiday abroad, if there are isolation restrictions in place.